Welcome!!! No sign-ups are necessary to jump in on the fun!!! All you need to do is link up at the bottom of each Week's Themes. They will be posted early Friday mornings and closed the following Thursday evening in preparation for the following theme. However, if you would like a reminder email/message, please sign-up, I will be sending out reminders the Friday before.

Any questions? Contact us at justsimplychristmas@yahoo.com

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Ad to Share

Feel free to snag either or both the ad and the button on the sidebar to share with your readers. Thanks for all your help getting the word out!!!


  1. So excited about this adventure. Thanks Jessica for spear-heading this up! You're amazing!

  2. Hey girls- can I join? I'm not crazy sick and pregnant anymore!!!

    1. Robyn,
      We'd love to have you!!! If you'll just send me an email (justsimplychristmas@yahoo.com) with the weeks you woudl like to participate in and your blog/website address.
